Monday, August 1, 2011

Sustainable Eco-Project

Long and stressful road, I enjoy the process and have gained vast experienced in managing the project. Thank you for the opportunity given.

Here are the uploaded photos of my labour. Enjoy!!!

 Initial Setup with not many plants and lot or work to do.

The veggies is subjected to high temperature and hign intensity of sunlight.

The veggies is very pathetic. Trying many ways to condition the soil. It is also very clayey and impossible for water to infiltrate. The soil is impossible to plant veggies. Why? The roots is very delicate.

Fighting Spirit!!!!!!! I perserverve and continue to do my research.

FINALLY, Time is on my side.... The veggies grow bigger and bigger. Harvesting......
And so on......
 And so on.........

Then when I realise it, it has so many veggies awaiting to be harvest.



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