Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Question & Answer Section

1. Why does fresh manure need to be treated? (Generation Green does not use manure for fertilizer in our pesticide free vegetable, rather this was a question about agriculture in general)

Peace of mind. To ensure no potential toxins.

National Organics Program places some very important restrictions on the use of compost in production of all certified organic foods. Raw animal manure cannot be used less than 120 days prior to harvest if a food has an edible portion that comes into contact with the soil or soil surface. (Even if the food’s edible portion does not come into contact with the soil or soil surface, raw animal manure is not allowed within 90 days of harvest.)

The restrictions on the use of raw animal manure help prevent crops from being contaminated with bacteria like E. coli 0157:H7. Organic food production does allow for unlimited use of composted manure, but this type of manure is far safer than raw manure and follows some very strict standards fully implemented in 2002. (These standards involve carbon-to-nitrogen ratios between 25:1 and 40:1 and maintenance between 131°-170°F (55-77°C) for a fixed number of days that varies depending on aeration procedure.)

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